Friday, June 17, 2011

Beijing Olympic | Badminton Arena | Beijing | China | KCAP

Sport arena and surrounding landscape design The design for the 'Olympic Badminton Area' is a second prize competition design for Beijing’s Olympic Games in 2008. Based on the theme ‘Human, Green, High-Tech’, the design shows an alluring, artificial landscape that incorporates a whole range of functions in the fields of sport, culture and leisure. Set on top of an underground grid, the concept proposes a park-like site with stadiums, plazas and other amenities. These were designed as a series of circular elements, an allusion to the symbolic rings of the Olympic flag. The multifunctional centre is not merely the umpteenth architectural icon to be added to the city, but embodies a new kind of environment where nature, urban life and architecture are intermixed in a relaxed way. The result is a multifaceted and sustainable area, a ‘built landscape’ with a green character to be added to the campus of the Beijing University of Technology after the Olympic Games......more
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