Monday, December 6, 2010

Great Egyptian Museum Competition | Frama

Mysterious organic forms emerge out of flowing sand dunes, shimmering objects, which might be covered by sand and be revealed again the next day. Crater like circular rings, with tilted edges that keep the traveling sand away are surrounding parks with obelisks and statues from ancient Egypt. Urban Environments proposal for the Grand Egyptian Museum takes the visitor through an unexpected journey.

The design of the Great Egyptian Museum derives from an algorithm related to traveling sand dunes and the surrounding rock formations, which are found in the deserts of northern Africa and in particular on the site. A self-organizing structure, resulting in freely formed organic shapes that emerge from the
surrounding sand dunes. The dialectic termination that respects the character of the landscape and its history in adding a new idiomatic feature creates a strong contrast to the geometric shape of the nearby pyramids. This ties the museum strongly to its place, yet formally keeping the building free of any
cultural association.

The diverse Souk-like circulation patterns have the advantage of permitting the visitor either to have a comprehensive experience of the whole exhibition or to pursue any number of meandering routes. The main entrance-hall is the mediator between the complex organizational system, the inside and the
outside of the museum. It is a wide and open space with connections and
visual relationships to the exhibition and the circular parks.......more
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