Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Architectural Competition | Park Design | Mill River Porch | Stamford | Connecticut | JPDA

JPDA’s proposal for A Public Porch at Mill River Park for the City of Stamford is a collective social escape into a slow-paced environment of fragrant foliage, repose, and beautiful views framing the Rippowam.

Porches have held a special place in the American experience. They serve as an interstitial place, between public and private, where neighbors interact in an environment welcoming to both. They are spaces of relaxation, contemplation and community.

The scheme exists as a series of ribbons which gently undulate and wind throughout the landscape. The landscape and the built structures become part of a larger whole, activating the surrounding parkland and serving as a beacon to the community. The most prominent ribbon of the group peels from the ground to create a walk-able greenway. This element grows to shelter a carousel, café, and an expansive garden which features a variety of indigenous plantings.
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