Monday, May 30, 2011

Architectural Design Competition | Paineiras Hotel Complex Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | Estúdio América

To develop a complex project inside one of the greatest urban forests in the world, the Tijuca Forest, may seem contradictory at first. A territory which is seen as one of the lungs of Rio de Janeiro should, at first sight, be untouchable. The great movement of people who, in a daily basis, have one of the “seven wonders” of modern world as their destiny, the Redeemer Christ, changes that original point of view. The question that urges is how to accommodate such an incompatibility? A response to that question appears as a positive opportunity. Besides finding a solution to a complicated tangle of distinct flows and ways of transportation, it is a chance to inform and bring awareness to the 6000 daily tourists of the forests’ richness and the importance of its’ preservation........more
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