Thursday, January 6, 2011

Centre for Promotion of Science | Belgrade | Wolfgang Tschapeller

New Belgrade is a city of our times, a city which was invented and planned in the course of the 20th century
with a decisive modernist perspective. Soleil (sun), Verdure (greenery), Espace (space) as well as functional
segregation together with the rules of CIAM where main arguments of New Belgrade. Now, 60 years later,
how do we read New Belgrade and how do we want to continue its construction?
We decided for a few very simple spatial tools, all of them being in close discourse with principles of modernism.
Firstly, we are opting for an elevated city detached from the ground. Only pillars and elements of circulation shall touch on the ground. We are proposing a floating city, very much in the manner of Corbusiers 5 points of architecture, buildings on pilotis giving the entire ground free.....more
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